Just got this sweet thing for a hundred bucks. I almost pissed my jeans when he pulled it out of his garage and I saw that chrome chainstay. As always the picks on craigslist were crap, so I was surprised to see all the details in person. Although the model is Stumpjumper, each year has several other designations as well, like Sport, Pro, Team, and Comp. The frame doesn't say anything, but this is certainly radder than the 85 Sport in the basement. MOMBAT has specs but it's hard to decipher because none of those specs match what I have. Anyway enough yammering, here's the candy:
Chrome chainstay with a little piss on it
Sweet lug
Reinforced brake bridge
Fastback seatstays
Embossed fork crown
Futuristic slingshot stem with Specialized alloy bars
Tomaselli grips and levers, suntour XC shifters
Best guess is 1985 or 86.
Woah, pretty wicked, Mark. Is that the funky Suntour XC high-normal front derailleur? Way to dig that one up.